Efflorescence Studios

Efflorescence Studios

"A smart man learns from his mistakes a wise man learns from others"

"A smart man learns from his mistakes a wise man learns from others"

by. RahZhi PHi

by. RahZhi PHi

Retro Microphone Illustration

LA Native turned Oregonian welcome to my creative space, where we strive to grow together and share our experiences. Healing is the ultimate goal but we can’t do it alone. From foster care to battling with homelessness in my youth, I’ve made it a part of my life journey to heal and help heal through creative expression. I hope that you find something here that will inspire you in whatever way comforts you. Together we are stronger and together we may teach each other. Let’s create something epic!

Boombox outline style
Rustic Bookstore Element
Los AngelesElement-19
Rustic Soup Food

-Kurt Billoups - A.K.A. - RahZhi Phi

Creative Works

A podcast on practical

spiritual growth



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